
1401 . Problems of the spine and knees (2459)
1402 . Recovery after an accident (1122)
1403 . Scoliosis, pain, dizziness (2462)
1404 . Shoulder and arm pain, restriction (2473)
1405 . Shoulder problems (2468)
1406 . Sinusitis, lumbar and cervical discomfort, inverted coccyx (2480)
1407 . Spinal pain, uterine fibroids (2487)
1408 . Spondiloza cervicala, gastrita si durere sold (2562)
1409 . Spondyloarthritis and mental fatigue (2493)
1410 . Stomach aches, constipation, injured ankle, insomnia (2477)
1411 . Stres, entorsa (2561)
1412 . Tensiune (2567)
1413 . Torticolis (2560)
1414 . Urinary infections, back pain, migraines (2464)