
1351 . Anxiety, depression (2446)
1352 . Anxiety, depression, back pain, tachycardia, hemorrhoids, prostatitis (2483)
1353 . Back pain, blockage (2478)
1354 . Back pain, bone pain, nervousness (2485)
1355 . Back pain, fatigue (2444)
1356 . Back pain, hand pain (2486)
1357 . Back pain, shoulder pain, urinary incontinence, torticollis (2491)
1358 . Back pain, stress, fatigue (2450)
1359 . Backaches, headaches, frequent menstruation, digestive and emotional problems (2492)
1360 . Basedow's disease / Graves' disease (2470)
1361 . Chemotherapy (2457)
1362 . Chronic fatigue, dizziness, conjunctivitis (2472)
1363 . Cifoscolioza si anxietate extrapiramidala (2570)
1364 . Compresie nerv sciatic (2541)
1365 . Cramps (2165)
1366 . Depression, kidney disorders (2448)
1367 . Dizziness, back pain (2452)
1368 . Durere de umar (2523)
1369 . Durere genunchi (2564)
1370 . Dureri de gamba (2551)
1371 . Dureri de picioare (2568)
1372 . Dureri de spate, dureri menstruale, intoleranta la gluten si lactoza (2532)
1373 . Fatigue, tension, dizziness, bloating, painful heels (2481)
1374 . Genunchi umflat si dureros (2558)
1375 . Health problems (2479)
1376 . Hemorrhoids (2458)
1377 . Hypertension, diabetes, edema, coxarthrosis, arthrosis (2476)
1378 . Insomnia, back pain, shoulder pain (2471)
1379 . Insomnia, depression, back pain (2455)
1380 . Insomnia, pain, renal pathology, menopause (2453)
1381 . Insomnia, stress, muscle tension (2454)
1382 . Leg pain, insomnia, chronic fatigue (2447)
1383 . Leg pain, neck pain (2449)
1384 . Lumbar pain, numbness, urinary infections, hemorrhoids (2465)
1385 . Migraines, edema, back pain, breast lumps (2463)
1386 . Nervousness, anxiety and stress (2445)
1387 . Osteoarthritis (2467)
1388 . Otita (2563)
1389 . Ovarian cyst (2460)
1390 . Pain in the spine, leg pain, numbness in the arms, poor mobility, colic, sinusitis, reactions after the vaccine (2451)
1391 . Pain, stress (2461)
1392 . Painful ankles with lack of mobility, mastitis, inflamed nodules (2482)
1393 . Parkinson's disease (2488)
1394 . Patellar tendinitis (2456)
1395 . Picior tal valg bilateral (2565)
1396 . Post-covid effects (2484)
1397 . Post-covid effects (2474)
1398 . Pregnancy, heartburn, colic, urinary incontinence, pain, edema, insomnia (2469)
1399 . Probleme emotionale (2559)
1400 . Probleme la genunchi si calcaie (2566)